Education&Teaching Seminar
At midday of 14th December,2017, at the merging classroom, all teachers from the 9th grade with Anqing Foreign Language School’s Junior High Department of the east campus gathered together and convened the periodical education& teaching rap session concerning the 2018 graduating classes. The symposium aimed to ‘let teachers cooperate whole-heartedly, realize harmonious development, lay a solid foundation and expand the excellent rate’ to put on steam and encourage the rolling victory of the 2018 graduating classes’ work. The symposium was chaired by Principal Assistant Lu Dan.
Initially, Principal Assistant Lu Dan conveyed President Madam Huang Wenli’s requirements for the graduating classes in Grade 9. Afterwards, he proceeded detailed analysis in three aspects to make clear the objectives of the 2018 Senior High School Entrance Examination, which were teacher preparation conditions of graduating classes in the east campus, the grade comparison between the 2017 and 2018 graduating classes as well as the educational teaching management of graduating classes.
All in all, Principal Assistant Lu Dan stressed that all teachers from the 9th grade were supposed to concentrate minds, set clear goals, adopt effective measures, try to expand excellent rate, increase competitiveness, achieve coordinated development in addition to making concerted effort to jointly make history and compose a fresh, marvelous chapter.
